Friday, August 21, 2009

Elastic Part 2 - Specification

Elastic part 2 Specification part 1
Let’s look at a specification for Men’s Woven Jacquard elastic used in a high end specialty brand.

1. Description: 1 ¼ Famous Designer Brand Name
2. Color: White Elastic with Purple letters & line
3. Width: 1/1/4” +/- 1/16”
4. Warp Ends: 300 Denier White Polyester 2/70 Denier Purple Nylon
5. Filling Ends: 300 denier polyester
6. Elastomeric Ends: 1120 Denier Spandex covered polyester
7. Picks per Inch: 84 +/-10%
8. Yield in yds/lb: 25 +/-10%
9. Elongation @ 10 lbs: 130% +/- 15%
10. Modulus (10 lbs & 50% elongation) 2.65 lbs +/_ 15%
11. After Wash Shrinkage: -4.00% +/- 8% max
12: Colorfastness: 4
13: Fiber Content: polyester- 77%, nylon -10%, spandex 13%

Please go to earlier posts if you need a refresher for
14. Weaving: go to May 24th posting
15. Cotton Count Nomenclature: May 12th posting
16. QC Testing: March 4th posting

I’ll cover some of the specific testing for Stretch and Recovery in the next posting.

All for now,
The Underwear Maven

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